Let’s continue to create a vocabulary of expressive lines. Last Wednesday’s word prompt was serene. Today’s word is “agitated“, the opposite of serene.
Gather Materials:
- a piece of paper
- a drawing tool of your choice
Today’s Exercise
Automatic drawing is a concept that came from the surrealists.
- Adopt the automatic-drawing approach… put yourself in a receptive frame of mind.
- Think about the word agitated. How does agitated feel in your body? What does agitated look like?
- Now, draw agitated without exercising conscious control over the image.
- When you’re done, write the word “agitated” on the page using the same agitated line.

Reflections on the Exercise
- Physically: I was feeling agitated today so it wasn’t difficult to do this
- Visually: the agitated line is a combination of short quick lines paired with flowing quick line
- Agitated line is full of pent up energy
This exercise comes from the book Expressive Drawing: A Practical Guide to Freeing the Artist Within by Steven Aimone.