A thoughtful friend gave me the book Make Art Mistakes A Creativity Sketchbook. This exercise comes from this book.
Gather Materials:
- an artist’s journal, unlined notebook, or piece of paper
- pencil, eraser
- Crayola Erasable Coloured Pencils
Today’s Exercise
Mark-Making with an Eraser
- Shade the page using the side of a pencil
- Use an eraser to create lines through the shading.
- Try using different size erasers and different colours of pencil crayons.

Reflections on the Exercise
- I love this! The eraser is what we use when we try to undo our mistakes. Using the eraser as a mark-making tool turns this notion on its head. It made me think about the quote from the front of the book,
“Don’t worry about mistakes. Making things out of mistakes, that’s creativity.”
Peter Max
Make Art Mistakes
Get the Book: Make Art Mistakes
This exercised comes from the book Make Art Mistakes A Creativity Sketchbook. If you’re wanting to start mark-making I recommend that you pickup this book. You don’t need another sketchbook, you can do the exercises right in the book.