Mindfulness Guided Meditation: Drawing with the Breath

This guided mindful drawing meditation that takes about 15 minutes

Gather Materials:

  • an artist’s journal, unlined notebook, or piece of paper
  • pen or pencil
  • I listened to the soundcloud meditation file on my phone with ear buds

Today’s Exercise

Drawing with the Breath

  • Sit comfortably at a table or desk with your note pad and pen within easy reach in front of you and your feet flat on the floor
  • Click the box below to listen to the meditation and follow her instructions 

Reflections on the Exercise

  • I felt very relaxed and enjoyed the meditation up until the point when I started to draw. I found it hard to allow my breath to control my pen instead of my pen controlling the breath.
  • I would definitely do this again
  • I didn’t like switching from my dominant right-hand to my non-dominant left. 

Get the Book: Mindfulness & the Art of Drawing

If you like this exercise you may be interested in the book Mindfulness & the Art of Drawing: A Creative Path to Awareness

6 thoughts on “Mindfulness Guided Meditation: Drawing with the Breath”

  1. My sister and I just did this exercise ‘together’ via Zoom / headphones. Was very lovely, and suuuper relaxing. As a perfectionist artist, it also helped me loosen up and enjoy the sensations of my hand and pencil moving across the paper. Thanks so much!

  2. I’ve been following your exercises, and I have found them helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for publishing this.

    In this session, the link to the video appears to be dead.

    1. This exercise definitely helped relax my mind and body throughout the process. I enjoyed the shift between my left and right hand. It was so interesting seeing which marks were made by which hand.

  3. Should we do everything in this state of body connection and awareness, where would it take us! Wonderful for slowing down the mind.

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